Mucus monsters! Rock-and-rollin' trolls! All-powerful rotting cat-mummies!
What would YOU do if your boogers tried to take over the world? What if teen-girl ghosts unleashed an army of pooping cockroaches on you?
You've got a front-row seat to see kids (and trolls, and vampires) just like you taking on the GROSSEST challenges IN THE WORLD!
So hold your nose, grab your stomach, and get ready for the World's Most Repulsive Storyteller(TM) to send five tales of disgustingly hilarious horror right into your eye-holes. You won't know whether to split your sides laughing, hurl chunks, or both!
Rob Kutneris an Emmy-winning TV late-night and animation writer (Daily Show, CONAN, Ben10, Teen Titans Go!), who has also
written the sci-fi comedy books Apocalypse How: Turn the End Times into the Best of Times (Running Press, 2008),
The Future According to Me (Amazon Kindle Singles, 2011), and the graphic novel Shrinkage (Farrago Comics, 2016).
He is also writing a Hyperion Avenue book for Marvel Studios, and another middle-grade graphic novel series, InterCats (First Second, 2023).
He profoundly hopes that Snot Goblins haunts your dreams. . . with laughter!
David DeGrand has been drawing cartoons ever since being inspired by his fifth grade art teacher. Thirty years later he still enjoys drawing pictures that will either make people laugh or barf (preferably both). He has attempted this noble endeavor in such publications as MAD Magazine, SpongeBob Comics, Garfield and T he Simpsons comic books and in animated form by designing the series Death Hacks . He lives in Texas with his wife and two sons.