From the creators of NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling How to
Catch books come the first exhilarating Christmas adventure in a new graphic
novel series!
Pup has boundless energy and endless optimism; Dragon is cool and
thoughtful but always up for adventure . . . together, they are best friends who
are always there for one another. In their first adventure, they are tryingto
catch one of Santa's little helpers - only Dragon has no idea what a Santa is
let alone an elf.
Bursting with colorful art and funny text that is sure to appeal to How to Catch
lovers and new young readers alike, PUP AND DRAGON: HOW TO CATCH
AN ELF is sure to bring extra cheer to your holidays this year!
Alice Walstead is a children's book author who loves to make kids smile with
her stories.
On Sale: Sep 5/23
64 pages
9781728270517 • $19.50 • cl
Juvenile Fiction / Comics & Graphic Novels /
Humorous • Ages 6-9 years
Series: How to Catch