An essential collection of James Tate’s extraordinary poems that will captivate today’s readers, with a foreword by Terrance Hayes
Celebrating James Tate’s work as it transcends convention, time, and everything that tells us, “No, you can’t do that,” Hell, I Love Everybody gives us the poet at his best, his most intimate, hopeful, inventive, and brilliant. John Ashbery called Tate the “poet of possibilities,” and this collection records forays into possibilities for American poetry’s future. With a foreword by Terrance Hayes, it is sure to give readers new and old a lasting collection of favorites.
James Tate's poems have been awarded the National Book Award, the Pulitzer
Prize, the Wallace Stevens Award, the William Carlos Williams Award, the Yale
Younger Poets Award, and the National Institute of Arts and Letters Award, and
have been translated across the globe. Tate was a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Letters; his many collections include The Lost Pilot, The
Oblivion Ha-Ha, Absences, Distance from Loved Ones, Worshipful Company
of Fletchers, and The Ghost Soldiers. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, he made his
home in Pelham, Massachusetts.